Wednesday, April 1, 2009

painting the Qubeley

Started painting the Qubeley. I read about adding a drop of blue to the white color to make it 'whiter' and I tried that and failed miserably. More like a TINY FRACTION of a drop of blue... else it will be pretty blueish. Painted the whole thing with straight white now, except for a few parts as I ran out of white since i wasted a perfectly good glass of white on that blue drop :/
Anyways I am going for that original Nagano color scheme:

And started painting the purple parts. Tried to do it with masking and airbrush first, but all the curved details are batshit insane to mask and i went with handpainting instead which worked rather good. Only have a little bit of cleanup to do when i get my new white paint which was convineantly sold out at the two hobby stores here and I had to mail order it - Vallejo color recently became pretty popular with the stores here for whatever reason and they have plenty in stock of those, but Tamiya was out of stock. :(


Anonymous said...


So far looks like a good paint job. Will you be adding future floor wax for a nice acrylic shine? I added pearl x gold flakes to my future for a super shiny quebely.

Good luck!!

Pggasta said...

Well, i seems to become good!!!!!
Good works!!!!

Pim said...

Looking smooth man! As for the blue in the white. You could have used that blueish white as a base colour for your final layer of white. When you let the blue shin through on the edges it creates a very dynamic color:
I used that technique on my Kaempfer too.

Looking forward to see more of this kit :)

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Bukan Spamer said...

Kunjungan malem gan. Sambil nunggu sahur kita cari backlink yuk !