Friday, June 20, 2008

Quess Air Jagd Doga progress

Primed some of the parts and started airbrushing. I tried extracting primer from the can and airbrushing it for a more economic use, as described in this tutorial: . The extracting worked great, but the airbrushing only so-so. The extracted primer seems to dry to fast for me, leaving a rough surface when airbrushing it. So it needed sanding again. Not sure if I will do this again.

For the silver parts i used AlcladII Aluminum.
Looks really nice and smooth.

The red parts are painted with a red-pink mix and a coat of clear red over that.

Also I orderd a bunch of waterslide decals from in 1/144 scale as the stickers that come with the HGUC kits are unusable. The website is superslow loading, but it has a nice selection and isn't too expensive. I orderd a bunch of them, so I can put some little warning decals on the Jagd Dogas. Also orderd some for the Nu, Re-GZ and the upcoming Sazabi.

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