Thursday, November 6, 2008

Qubeley Neodyne Tail

For the 'tail' i used tiny 3mm neodyne magnets to hold the bottom and top half together.
Makes painting easy and I can open it when its finished to marvel at the internals.

Glued them in with 2 component epoxy glue.


NiteNite said...

I want to buy one SMS recast too, but i cant find where's their home page or their store, can you help me please?

S. L. said...

there is no official homepage, but I bought mine here:

Anonymous said...

You know the German magnet shop

They sell a lot of different magnets :) In the future i will do a resin kit too and will also use magnets i guess, succes!

S. L. said...

got them from ebay for cheap :)

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