Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tamiya Toyota GT-One part II

The windows are darkened with Tamiya Smoke paint, read some horror stories on the net how difficult it is to spray, so i decanted a bit in my airbrush and sprayed with that. Much easier to get an even finish :)

 Here the result! Also as you can see I started decaling. Now the GT One is LOADED with decals - a little nightmare, especially over all the round parts. I litte trick I found on the net which was immensely helpful was to dip the stickers in slightly soapy water before applying, so you can move them around on the kit a bit. The press out the water and let them dry over night.
 Next up a diffuser, an aftermarket part from ABC hobby, Type A diffuser. This one looks fairly close to what the original GT One had
Assembled diffuser.


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good nice (:

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Ijin titip lapak ya gan ... matur suwun.