Friday, July 30, 2010

STURMDIAS -3.1- joints

Forgot to add this to the last post. I used Yellow Submarine/Hobby Base joints for the ankles and the hip. Aside from the shoulder/upper arm joints the others don't really make sense to replace. I'll leave the shoulder pinned static as well since the Dias will hold a pretty big and heavy gun which would be to heavy for the small joints i could use there. Also the gun allows for only one pose anyways.

The T01 set is a PERFECT fit for the kit (like for the Qubeley)


Obat Ambeyen Herbal Ampuh said...

Obat Ambeyen Herbal Ampuh ? Segera Hubungi Kami Dan Pesan Obatnya Sekarang Juga di Fast Respond : 087705015423 PIN : 207C6F18.

Obat Jengger Ayam De Nature said...

Ijin titip lapak ya gan ... matur suwun.