Thursday, July 29, 2010

STURMDIAS -3- more stuff

Hey! Made a bit progress with the Sturmdias. The last month I haven't really been working on it as the weather here was way too good and the World Cup was in progress :)

Pinned leg VS. AA battery:

Pre-mixed some primer to airbrush. 50% Mr Resin Primer, 50% Thinner and a dash Mr. Retarder so the paint dries a bit slower.

Here is the super lovely booster leg assembly. I used magnets to hold the boosters in place.

So they just snap in place, works great.

All the pieces together:

Color testing: Vallejo Italian Red (left) vs. Vallejo Scarlet Red (right).
Will go with Scarlet Red, it more vivid and has more of a pop... whatever that means :)

Next up: Those super-sweet thrusters <3

Some closeup with Tamiya Clear Red highlight.

After some coats of Tamiya Smoke, sumi-ire/washing with flat black and stone gray enamel, some decals, and a bit of roughing them up: Thrusters finished!

Well that's it for now, but I think/hope I will make better progress now :)

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