Saturday, May 15, 2010

Misc update

Not dead yet.
Currently working on a figure kit for the E2046 competition, but the rules don't allow me to show pics of the build process before the results. But it's not all that easy and i am really struggling with painting the eyes >_< On the plus side is the low parts count, a Gundam kit is like 10x the parts :) Anyways, my next (big) kit will be a 1/90 Silicon-Tribe Sturmdias kit based on a Nagano Mamoru artwork, should be pretty sweet.

Will probably start around end of the month or early next month.


Obat Ambeien Di Apotik said...

Obat Ambeien Di Apotik ? Segera Hubungi Kami Dan Pesan Obatnya Sekarang Juga di Fast Respond : 087705015423 PIN : 207C6F18.

Obat Jengger Ayam Herbal Alami said...

Ijin ngelapak ya gan, silahkan berkunjung !